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The Accountants' Growth Club:

How to build a highly profitable £1 million pound practice while working fewer hours with less stress

This book will give you the confidence, motivation, inspiration and all the information you will need to build a successful, highly profitable one million pound accountancy practice.

This book explains how others did it, and how you can too.

You’ll learn:

  1. Practical and proven strategies to scale up profitably and sustainably, including getting your clients to buy advisory services, whilst working fewer hours with less stress
  2. Tried and tested ways to increase your cash flow and net profitability to over 40+%, whilst paying yourself a commercial salary
  3. Reliable and easy ways to attract your ideal clients who arrive pre-sold and happy to pay a premium fee for your services
  4. Simple processes to get your staff, even the saboteurs, to actively help you grow your firm
  5. How to attract, develop and retain the right people for your practice
  6. Step-by-step guidance on how to successfully implement a fee increase and get your clients onto monthly billing via direct debit

“A comprehensive, straight-talking guide built on real world learnings from the industry’s most innovative firms.”
Gary Turner, Co-founder Xero

Profitable Pricing For Accountants:

A practical guide to pricing strategy, pricing psychology, and value pricing so you can charge what you are worth

Profitable Pricing for Accountants is the ONE book you need to give you the confidence to set your pricing strategy to be able to charge what your accountancy firm is truly worth.

When it comes to growing your small accountancy firm, your pricing strategy is the lever that has the biggest effect on increasing your revenue and profit. Pricing Strategy is the lever most likely to keep you awake at night as it comes with an unhealthy dollop of fear and anxiety. Forget wondering whether you need to value price or not, this book will give you the confidence to price profitably and fairly.

Many books have been written on the topic of pricing, but this is the only data-backed pricing guide solely aimed at small accountancy firm owners that gives you the HOW and the WHAT so you are confident enough to make positive changes to your firm’s long-term profitability. It uses the most up-to-date research on neuroscience and behavioural economics to help you conquer the doubts in your head, set your pricing strategy and help your clients effortlessly agree to your proposed fee.

By reading this book you’ll learn:

  • How to price and bundle your firm’s services to maximise your firm’s profit

  • How to eliminate price-sensitive clients and time wasters

  • How to radically increase your firm’s cash flow and reduce your WIP and debtors to less than 30 days

  • How to successfully implement a fee increase for existing clients without clients quibbling or leaving in droves

  • When (and definitely when not) to value price your fees


The Financial Times Guide To Business networking

The Financial Times Guide to Business Networking is your definitive introduction to a joined-up networking strategy that really works. This award-winning book has now been fully updated to include new chapters on generating referrals and boosting your confidence when networking, as well as the latest advice on social networking sites.

Successfully combine online and offline networking techniques
Develop the best networking approaches and behaviours
Make a great first impression, build rapport and generate strong business relationships
Talk to the right people, have productive conversations and effectively work a room

The Go-To Expert:

How to Grow Your Reputation, Differentiate Yourself From the Competition and Win New Business

Differentiating yourself from your peers is the challenge that every professional faces. This book gives you the clarity, process and confidence to make yourself stand out in a crowded market place.”

Toni Hunter, Partner, George Hay Chartered Accountants"

The Go-To Expert provides no-nonsense advice on managing your transition into a well-known and trusted name within your industry.


  • Simple steps to build your profile
  • How to market and sell yourself with ease and confidence
  • Techniques to make your clients come to you

“If you want to move your career on, shifting from being just another professional advisor to being truly recognised as a go-to expert, this book will show you the way.”

Richard Newton, award-winning author of The Management Book


Click on the individual images below for curated articles, free resources and inspiration to help you with your specific challenge to grow your firm.