Coaching For


Everything you need to know about how business coaching for accountants can help you grow your practice.


What is business coaching for an accountancy firm owner?

A specialist coach for accountants will help you get your accountancy firm to where you want it to be.

Now a good accountant’s coach will help you get there faster than if you were on your own.

Business coaching for accountants differs to life-coaching, because your coach is focusing on helping you achieve your business goals. However, a good business coach will also be able to help you change your mindset, habits, behaviours and beliefs (the traditional expertise of a life coach) in order to achieve your business goals.

A woman on the phone with a laptop

Within a few months of joining the club my practice was transformed.

I feel visible, and connected to a group of like-minded business owners running varied accountancy practices of all shapes, sizes and specialisms. 

I feel valued by the AGC members and I value each of them too.  Heather and her team have all the tools I need to develop my practice, and those resources are readily available to me. 

Ivan Rogove

Rogove and Co
Graeme morris

My practice has grown by 150% in 18 months.

The club has given me the confidence, clarity and accountability to stop playing small.

When I joined the club my turnover had shrunk to under £100k. We’ve finished last financial year turning over £250k, and on track to reach £400k this year.

With the help of the club and their in-house marketing service AGC Digital, I am now getting a regular supply of new business of exactly the type of clients I like working with.

I've been a member of most of the accountants' communities in the UK. The Accountants' Growth Club has been the only one which has helped me sustainably take the step up in my business.

Graeme Morris

Cloud Accountancy

What can a specialist coach for accountants do to help you grow your accountancy practice?

This is not the complete list, but our accountant’s coaches will help you:

  • Increase your fees
  • Ditch the clients who are losing you money or sleep
  • Increase your confidence and clarity about what you need to do to grow your practice
  • Stop working at weekends and late into the evenings
  • Put in processes and systems so you have peace of mind that everything is working the way it should
  • Improve the efficiency of your practice by helping you implement new software and processes. Or just improve your usage of what you have got at the moment
  • Recruit new team members
  • Improve the performance of your website and marketing
  • Win new clients
  • Win more business from existing clients
  • Decrease the peaks and troughs of your firm’s workload
  • Fall back in love with your practice again
  • Work more on the business than in it
  • Reduce the amount of time you need to spend in the business
  • Increase the capital value of your business
  • Dust yourself off when you’ve had a setback
  • Celebrate your success
  • Buy or sell a book of business
  • Build a modern, digital cloud based business
  • Win more non-compliance type work
  • Increase the profitability of your business

What we won’t do is grow your business for you.

You will still need to work hard and be open-minded about what needs to be done with your accounting firm. The biggest reason why our members leave is because they have been unable to prioritise working ON their business rather than in it. At the end of the day if you do what you have always done, you will get the same results. But our growth specialists will help you break the cycle and change the status quo.

Rebecca Foy circle

The resources within the club have been a lifesaver and saved me months of work.

Before we started with the club we had big ideas and a lot of work to do to properly get the business fully into the cloud and properly systemised. I knew what I needed to do, and the resources in the club helped me to structure things and do stuff properly. I know the club's resources have saved myself not just weeks but months of work. In fact, outside experts have praised us on the quality of how we do certain things. We couldn't have done this without the resources from the club. For example, using the RAC/process helped us identify where we needed to support staff to complete all their responsibilities to the standard required.

It's not just the flowcharts, checklists, plans or recordings from the club's resources which have helped our firm.

We've sent members of our firm to the free workshops for members of the club. They have been invaluable to help us bring team members along the journey that the firm is currently on.

Rebecca Foy

Davis & Co
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I wish I had joined earlier.

I have only been a member of the Club for 2 weeks, but already I am kicking myself for procrastinating about joining. Just think where I would be now.

In those 2 weeks I have changed my processes so that my quotes go out quicker and I have improved my pricing. This has already seen me add new clients of over £7,000 and this is during a global pandemic. I have joined many of the Daily Power Up calls which are a real lifeline for a practice owner as we get to share all kinds of things every day. I feel connected to my peers.

I see a long term future with the  Club being an integral part of my practice going forward.

James Twigger

bob evans

My bank balance and happiness with my practice would now be SO much healthier if I had taken action 12 months ago.

I've known Heather for 6 years, and nearly managed to sign up to work with her and her team at several points over those 6 years. All it took was our Growth Accelerator call and suddenly I had the motivation and accountability to make things happen in my practice.

Prompted by our discussion on the Growth Accelerator Call, within 24 hours, I had identified and ;implemented enough cost savings to be able to fund the entire cost of Grow membership.

Bob Evans

React Accountancy


Click on the individual images below for curated articles, free resources and inspiration to help you with your specific challenge to grow your firm.