Accountant Website Design in 2024: How to Maximise Your Online Presence

The online world is rapidly transforming and evolving...more and more modern clients are seeking solutions what does this mean for you? This means that online marketing for accountants has never been more crucial.

While, in the past, accountants could get away with not having a great website and building their practice solely on referrals, that strategy won´t work for everyone. Today, client needs have evolved massively.

Statistics show that 85% of consumers conduct online research before making any purchase, and that number is greater than 60% for accounting services. This means potential clients are primarily basing their decisions to work with an accounting firm or not based on its digital footprint.

Long story short, to compete in today´s market, you need to make a very good impression online and quickly! And to do this, you need to make sure that your accountant website design is effective. Here´s a guide on what makes a good website by our marketing team at AGC Digital.


What makes a good accountant website design in 2024?

As we´ve already stressed, your website serves as the digital facade of your professional services. It´s an online portal that reflects your ethos, expertise, and excellence in accounting, so it should make the best first impression possible.

Here are some key elements you should consider when it comes to your website design, all of which will maximise your impact online.

1. A sleek and modern design

a laptop

Contemporary web designs are currently on trend because they are sleek and modern. This is increasingly important in today´s market, as aesthetics and usability are key to conversion.

When you think about it, it makes sense. How many websites have you clicked off because they look rubbish? Or because they were too slow to load? Or because you couldn´t find the information you were looking for? This is why your website design must instil confidence and reliability.

Another notable trend is dynamic elements and interactive interfaces that engage visitors, transforming passive viewing into an active exploration.

When thinking about your website design, here are some key elements you will need:

  • A clean layout, intuitive navigation, and a coherent content structure - to ensure your users can access vital information with ease and efficiency.
  • Colours and imagery that resonate with fiscal responsibility and trust - think about what emotions you want to evoke with your colour palette and your imagery.
  • Brand consistency across all pages - to strengthen your identity and build trust among prospective clients.
  • The integration of AI-driven chatbots for instant client assistance - if necessary.

At AGC Digital, we champion a holistic approach to online marketing for accountants, one where your website is the cornerstone of your digital strategy. We believe in creating visually impressive designs aligned with your professional standards, ensuring they serve as an authentic extension of your practice.


2. An optimal user experience

As we touched on above, user experience is a must in accountant website design in 2024. So how do you ensure a great user experience and what does that mean?

A well-designed website is not solely about aesthetics but about facilitating a logical, informative, and efficient client journey. From easy navigation and swift loading times to logical content layout, every interaction matters. As online marketing for accountants becomes increasingly competitive, delivering a positive user experience sets you apart.

Here are a few ways to improve user experience:

  • Optimise your page speed
  • Include headlines
  • Use bullet points for key information
  • Use hyperlink differentiation
  • Use images wisely
  • Use white space
  • Have clear calls to action
  • Stay on top of 404s


3. Optimised for mobile viewing

mobile phoneDid you know that 92.3% of internet users access the internet using a mobile phone? It´s true, so you can reliably expect 60% of your website traffic to come from mobile devices. This means it is absolutely crucial that your website is optimised for mobile viewing.

Ensuring your website's design and content translate effectively across all devices falls under improving your user experience. So make sure you have a website designer who can provide:

  • flexible designs
  • scalable images
  • touch-friendly navigation
  • consistent testing to ensure adaptability
  • design tweaks on each platform as needed.

Remember, it´s not just phones either. Your website will be viewed from several different devices, including tablets, so you need to ensure a smooth experience for all. If you don´t, you will be losing potential conversions.


4. Specific and valuable content

So you have a professional website design that provides a seamless user experience on all platforms. Now, you need to ensure that you have a clear message that speaks to your target client, and that´s where content comes in.

A website should do more than just showcase the services you offer and communicate your expertise. In fact, this is a trap that a lot of accountants fall into. They talk A LOT about the "what" (they do) and maybe even the "why," and that´s important in its own right, but they overdo it. They don´t talk about the "so what?", meaning, what this all means for the client. A good website talks directly to the client, highlights their specific challenges and desires, and then positions your service as the solution.

So, what do you need to be doing with your content?

Website content

  • Your content should directly talk to the types of clients or the specific niches you cater to - if you don´t currently have a niche, think about what work you would like to win more of and make that your niche! This approach doesn´t mean you will win less business. It means you will be turning away the work you don´t want, and winning the bits that you do.
  • Your content should demonstrate your understanding of your client´s challenges - this is the key to getting users to actually take action and contact you. If you can show you understand their specific pain points and where they want to be (i.e. free from working on the business, being able to sleep soundly at night etc), they are going to feel like only you can solve these problems.
  • Your content should communicate, not complicate - it´s easy for accountants to get too technical. After all, you are passionate about what you do. However, potential clients don´t want to know about the ins and outs of everything and they are likely to get confused, so keep your content clear and simple and jargon-free.
  • Your content should be search engine optimised (SEO) - Local SEO is another critical facet, particularly for accountants. Clients often seek services within their vicinity, such as "accountant in London," so optimising your website for local searches, including the use of local citations, can significantly enhance your visibility.

The questions our clients are asking:

  • Should I have a pricing page?

Absolutely! A lot of business owners think that not including their prices is okay, but it´s not! It could be costing you clients. People want to know how much things cost, and it´s often the first thing they look for after confirming you provide the right service. If they don´t find this, they are more likely to go elsewhere than to get in touch with you. What´s more, by putting your prices on your site, you also weed out low-fee clients ,so it´s a good thing!

  • Do I need to niche?

It helps! Most people worry that they are turning business away when they niche, so they cast a wide net. But no one wants a jack of all trades! What ends up happening is you get a lot of clients who are demanding and don´t pay well and who you probably don´t want to work with anyway. When you find a niche, and you demonstrate who you serve on your website with dedicated industry pages, you actually start to win the work that you want and like! You can then charge accordingly for your expertise.


Blog content

  • You should create a content strategy so that you are publishing content consistently - this is essential for two reasons. Firstly, the aim of your content is to educate, inform, and build a rapport with your audience - all of which are key to them coming to you when they are ready to buy. Secondly, regular seo-friendly content helps build your authority on Google, meaning that people will be more able to find you online when they search for certain keywords.
  • You should use tools to help you with this - at AGC Digital, we create a content calendar for our clients and plan out topics in advance. There will be niche-specific content, topical content (regulatory changes, budget updates etc), seasonal content (tax season, year end etc), and client content (e.g. frequently asked questions, common misconceptions, specific challenges or success stories). We also tend to write content in advance so that you can build up a bank of articles and respond to hot topics as they arise. This ensures your content is always timely and relevant, as well as consistent.
  • Your content should be search engine optimised (SEO) - when writing content, think about what keyword you want to rank for in each article (I.e. what people search for, where you appear in the top search results). Selecting the right keywords is important, as they need to be what your client is actually searching for, some are a lot more competitive than others, and you also need to make sure they fit with the rest of your content strategy. For example, if you´re writing a series of different blogs on how to save on tax, you need to make sure that you use different keywords for each so that you´re not competing against yourself.

Maintaining a blog can be particularly effective, so have fun with it. Regular posts about various aspects of accounting, updates in the financial world, or advice on common financial challenges are all key to positioning you as an authority in the field.


5. Social media integration

mobile apps to demonstrate online marketing for accountantsThe final piece of online marketing for accountants is social media integration. Why? Because building an online presence isn´t just about having a website. It´s about actually being seen and engaging, connecting, and humanising your brand.

Think about it, your audience doesn´t just spend their day on search engines; they are scrolling through social feeds, watching videos, and engaging with content more informally. In fact, 4.9 billion people are using social media worldwide! So this means that your presence there isn't just beneficial; it's essential for an integrated digital footprint.

Social media platforms can drive traffic to your website, increase brand awareness, and allow you to engage with clients in real time. They provide a glimpse into your firm’s personality, your community involvement, and even your success stories. For accountants, this integration means breaking the stereotypes of rigidity often associated with the profession. It's your chance to be approachable, relatable, and yes, even shareable.

So what does this mean?

  • Your website should link to your social accounts - LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X (previously, Twitter) etc.
  • You should be utilising multiple social platforms - from LinkedIn's professionalism to Instagram's visual storytelling, each platform offers a unique avenue to amplify your message. So focus on one platform at a time. Create engaging posts, share insights, celebrate client successes, and offer glimpses into life at your firm. It's about utilising each platform to its utmost potential and understanding the unique language, audience, and content style, all with the aim of humanising your practice.

However, remember, consistency is key. Regular posts, responses to comments, and staying updated with trends demonstrate that you're active and attentive.

Read: LinkedIn for Accountants: A Step-by-Step Guide to Winning New Clients


Embrace the digital future

Accountant website design in 2024 is dynamic and challenging. You need to think about design, user experience, and mobile optimisation. And that´s not even including the true distinction; your strategic content approach, SEO mastery, and effective social media integration. We know it´s a lot, and we know you are probably very tempted to hide under the covers and hope your website from a decade ago still does the trick, but unfortunately, that´s not going to be the reality. If you want to compete and win clients in 2024, you have to embrace the direction that the market is moving.

Ready to build a thriving online presence?

With AGC Digital, you don't have to navigate the evolving digital space alone.

We provide tailored online marketing for accountants, from building content calendars and brainstorming relevant and engaging topics, to crafting the content itself. Our goal is to ensure that your voice is heard above the noise and that it offers something of value, of substance. We do all the hard work so you can focus on what you do best.

Want to partner with us for website design, blog writing, or complete social media management?