We run a great programme of exclusive masterclasses and workshops for AGC Members. Many of our member-only events are set up as a result of conversations with members in the Daily Power-Up, Fortnightly Accountability calls or in the private Facebook Group.


Next Programme starts 6th June 2024


Attendees on this programme credit it with a 10-30% increase in their profit margin.

It's an 8-week programme which will give you the confidence, accountability and support to take the steps to address your pricing problems. You know, the ones you keep promising yourself that you will do. But never quite get around to doing.

Next Programme starts Sept 2024


This programme is included in Grow & Boost Club membership levels. It's for accountants who:

  • Want a regular source of good quality new business
  • Realise that they need to either invest time or effort or money to generate new business
  • Want the reassurance that their marketing is working (and what they can ignore)
  • Want to find a way of generating new business which works for them

Find out more New Business Accelerator Programme

Next Programme starts 24 April 2024

Certified Growth Advisor

This is a 6-month 'invite only' programme that teaches participants to learn how to release themselves from the business and take their practice to the next level.

This programme has been described as transformational. Participants talk about 'making friends' for life as a result of the programme.

Equivalent programmes would cost £10k to attend.

This programme is for accountants who:

  • Want to get the resilience in their business so they can take a month's sabbatical and their business would grow without them
  • Are keen to learn how to use coaching to get their staff and clients to take action and use their own initiative
  • Want to move the culture of their firm is it is not dominated by their personality and works whether they are in the office or not (or on holiday)
  • Want a sounding board of like-minded accountancy firm owners who are looking to grow from £250k to £1m+ or more
  • Have a turnover of £250k)
  • Want to create and deliver their framework/system/process of how they do advisory
Members' Morning: 10th July


In our July session we are focusing on the inevitable errors that happen in your firm If you come along to this session you'll discover:

  • How to deal with them.
  • What is normal in the course of running an accountancy practice
  • How to learn from them
Members' Morning: 5th June


In our June session we are doing a deep dive into pricing. Come along to the morning and discover:

  • The results of our new club-wide pricing benchmarking exercise
  • 3 different approaches to pricing and how members make that work for them
  • How to build your self esteem so you can charge you are worth
Next Programme starts Autumn 2024

Confident People Leader Programme

We are starting the 14-week Confident People Leader programme directed towards Directors/Founders of the business. It is a comprehensive leadership development course designed to help individuals enhance their leadership skills and develop the confidence necessary to lead with clarity and purpose. This program is perfect for anyone looking to take their leadership abilities to the next level and achieve their full potential. The programme includes a variety of interactive and engaging sessions that cover topics such as effective communication, building trust, managing conflict, self leadership, etc.

Club membership levels

Club membership is for a minimum of 6 months.




£325 + VAT / month
  • 1:1 coaching & support to reset your growth plans - 1 hour every 3 months
  • Email support (as and when required) from a dedicated Growth Specialist
  • Accountability check-in via email (as and when required) to help you achieve your growth plans
  • Daily power up calls
  • Discounts & exclusive offers from suppliers
  • Access to 300+ 'plug and play' curated resources
  • Access to the club's private Facebook Group
  • Access to the virtual Members Mornings and ad hoc members meet-ups


£950 + VAT / month
  • 1:1 coaching & support to reset your growth plans - 4 hours every 3 months
  • Monthly coaching from a dedicated Growth Specialist
  • Weekly check-ins and accountability calls to help you achieve your growth plans
  • Daily power up calls
  • Discount & exclusive offers from suppliers
  • Access to 300+ 'plug and play' curated resources
  • Access to the club's private Facebook Group
  • Access to the virtual Members Mornings and ad hoc member meet-ups
  • Access to the Certified Growth Advisor, Confident People Leader, and New Business Accelerator Programmes
  • Access to the Team Member Academy & 3 places at any cohort group
  • Access to the fortnightly groups AGC 100, 500, 1000 and FD

Take a look at what's coming up for members-only. If you'd like to book a 15-minute call to chat about becoming a member.

a woman with a phone to represent delivering bad news to a client


Andy Smith Abbeygate Accounting

"The experience in the room and the advice provided was invaluable to me. 

The value that Heather and the team have added to my practice in one session means I will be joining The Accountants' Growth Club in the new year. 

I love the hands-on approach, the open discussions and that we were given joint exercises and breakouts to work with other accountants. It was a really focused session"

Andy Smith

Abbeygate Accounting
Robert Quaye Probitas Accountancy

"I was really blown away, not only by the content but the leaders, Heather and the team were excellent. 

There were those just starting their practice and mature practices there, but nobody felt left out, as the presentation and topics were handled in a such manner that we all gained a lot from them.

The resources they provided alone were enough to help us."

Robert Quaye

Probitas Accountancy
Rebecca Foy circle

"The resources within the club have been a lifesaver and saved me months of work. 

We’ve sent members of our firm to the free workshops for members run by the club. They have been invaluable to help us bring team members along the journey that the firm is currently on."

Rebecca Foy

Davis & Co
Alex Redmond

I attended Heather and the team's online workshop. I would normally get distracted and end up answering emails, but I couldn't' escape. The content was engaging and interactive, the energy level high. The result was a feeling that I had l earned something, together with a clear plan of action and the motivation to make it happen.

Alex Redmond

Artisan Accounts

I was pleasantly surprised that I got very similar outcomes as if I had been at a physical workshop

Having been around for a while my preference is to always meet people in person and "press the flesh", however, having attended my first virtual workshop run by Heather and the team, I am rethinking this.

A virtual workshop has the advantage of no travelling time, attendance can be from anywhere in the world. I was pleasantly surprised that I got very similar outcomes as if I had been at a physical workshop. Ashley and Heather are real experts in delivering engaging content and exceptional value

Paul Miller

Cornish Accounting