Club members get access to a range of discounts with software and other suppliers to the accountancy industry

We are adding more and more discounts over time. Just look at the current offers for our Club members...


Club membership levels

Club membership is for a minimum of 6 months.




£325 + VAT / month
  • 1:1 coaching & support to reset your growth plans - 1 hour every 3 months
  • Email support (as and when required) from a dedicated Growth Specialist
  • Accountability check-in via email (as and when required) to help you achieve your growth plans
  • Daily power up calls
  • Discounts & exclusive offers from suppliers
  • Access to 300+ 'plug and play' curated resources
  • Access to the club's private Facebook Group
  • Access to the virtual Members Mornings and ad hoc members meet-ups


£950 + VAT / month
  • 1:1 coaching & support to reset your growth plans - 4 hours every 3 months
  • Monthly coaching from a dedicated Growth Specialist
  • Weekly check-ins and accountability calls to help you achieve your growth plans
  • Daily power up calls
  • Discount & exclusive offers from suppliers
  • Access to 300+ 'plug and play' curated resources
  • Access to the club's private Facebook Group
  • Access to the virtual Members Mornings and ad hoc member meet-ups
  • Access to the Certified Growth Advisor, Confident People Leader, and New Business Accelerator Programmes
  • Access to the Team Member Academy & 3 places at any cohort group
  • Access to the fortnightly groups AGC 100, 500, 1000 and FD
Shaileen Shah

Shaileen Shah

Price Mann

We added over £200k in one year with the club's help.

We’ve gone through huge change on restructuring our team, our processes, and have also gone through a massive fee increase! 

The support that the club and the club members have given us has been immense and I can’t thank Heather and the team enough.


Ivan Rogove

Rogove and Co

Within a few months of joining the club my practice was transformed.

I feel visible, and connected to a group of like-minded business owners running varied accountancy practices of all shapes, sizes and specialisms. 

I feel valued by the AGC members and I value each of them too.  Heather and her team have all the tools I need to develop my practice, and those resources are readily available to me. 

The Daily Power Ups are a real highlight, a fabulous way to start the working day.  Just the right mix of mutual professional respect, banter, ‘say it like it is’, and a willingness to share what works and what does not in practice life. 

I highly recommend Heather, her team, and The Accountants’ Growth Club.

Graeme morris

Graeme Morris

Cloud Accountancy

My practice has grown by 150% in 18 months.

The club has given me the confidence, clarity and accountability to stop playing small.

When I joined the club my turnover had shrunk to under £100k. We’ve finished last financial year turning over £250k, and on track to reach £400k this year.

With the help of the club and their in-house marketing service AGC Digital, I am now getting a regular supply of new business of exactly the type of clients I like working with.

I've been a member of most of the accountants' communities in the UK. The Accountants' Growth Club has been the only one which has helped me sustainably take the step up in my business.

lorna leonard

Lorna Leonard

Leonard Business Services

From clueless about business development to winning £140k per annum of new business within 9 months of joining the club.

Before I joined the club the growth of my business had plateaued for the last 3 years, and I was in danger of losing some of my portfolio due to succession. My confidence has grown so much around business development, I'm even advising my clients on their own sales process. When you consider that I still need to update and redo my website, winning £140k of new business within 9 months is nothing short of remarkable.


Graeme Tennick

Graeme Tennick and Co

My highest monthly recurring fee used to be £250 per month. With the club's help my average monthly fee is now £500 per month.

I have been on coaching programmes before but never one so specifically aimed at accountants.

I just felt they understood where I was at and where I wanted to be. The amount of resources, assistance and advice has been nothing short of mind-blowing.


naveed new

Naveed Mughal

Purlieus Consulting

In the last 6 months my turnover has grown by 184% with a net profit margin of 43%. I’ve calculated the ROI for my first year as a member is well in excess of 15 times.


Paul Donno


Within a month of joining I had saved over £10,500 a year by changing software suppliers and the impact of quoting and billing new clients at the right level.

Paul Wareham

Paul Wareham

PS Accountants

I no longer feel alone.

Signing up for the Accountants Growth Club has been a very shrewd investment, with the many 'small' wins now giving a whole greater than the sum of the parts. 

The big gain has been the complete re-engineering of my internal systems and workflows: changing one thing here got us back over 3.5 weeks production capacity.  The other big gain has been finding a niche and then targeting exactly how I want to go about attracting those types of clients.  For me in my local area this meant no more meaningless networking events.  Freeing up this time and generating more capacity was crucial for the next stage of growth in bringing in new clients and being able to offer the service we want.

hannah flook

Hannah Flook

Egia Financial

Since joining the Accountants' Growth Club, the support and guidance has led to a huge growth in my confidence.

This has helped me to commit to my niche and grow the business within this niche, from £20k to £55k per annum. The club is friendly, supportive and provides gentle, but firm, encouragement when you need it. The resources that sit behind the group mean that whatever issues your having with your business there is something or someone to help you solve it. 

Coral Tolley-Fletcher - JVCA

Coral Tolley-Fletcher


I love the fact that the Daily Power-Up calls are every morning. When I attend one it normally makes me feel really empowered and inspired. This is because you realise that most of the other members have the same problems but you also get good practical suggestions of how to solve these problems.