darts in a dart board to symbolise setting expectations when onboarding new clients

Growth Journey Webinar 17 November – with Zee Razaq from Certax

Join us for our new, free to all, 30-minute Growth Journey Webinar Series.

Join Heather Townsend, founder of The Accountants Millionaires' Club and Zee Razaq Certax Accountants(St Albans), as they discuss Zee's growth journey as an accountancy firm owner. In this session you will learn:

  • The difference that committing to a niche has made to Zee's business
  • How Zee quietened the voices in his head to truly price what he was worth
  • How Zee is building up a team to help release him to just service his high-value clients
  • How Zee was able to charge the right price, even for clients who culturally are always looking for a discount
  • How Zee has used LinkedIn to win new clients, establish his brand and get strong alliances with high profile introducers


Join us at 2pm on 17 November

7am MT|9am ET|5pm GST|6.30pm IST


Nov 17 2021


2:00 pm

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Zee Razaq


Zee Razaq

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Heather Townsend
Heather Townsend
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