Included on this page are just a selection of the 200+ resources available to our members in our membership library.

Our resources for members grows every week. For example, did you know that each week our members receive an article which they can whitelabel to adapt and use in their own marketing?



Get back in control of workflow by getting team members to fill in this free (unbranded) end of week report.

Download here

team effectiveness review

Not sure how to fix your team to get it to work together better?

Download your copy now of our team effectiveness review to pinpoint exactly what you need to do to fix it.

Download here


Download our ultimate New Employee Onboarding Checklist to make sure that your new hire feels really welcome and gets up to speed quickly.

Use it to ensure that you don’t overlook important tasks when onboarding a new team member. We also included thoughtful details to delight your new employees!

Download here

In the masterclass recording you will discover:

1. How to use the red/black/blue model to claw back time to work ON your practice.

2. The three mindset shifts you will need to make if you are going to reduce the demands on you from your staff and clients.

3. Tips and techniques to be ultra productive and work at peak level.

4. Three things you must do to minimise interruptions from your team and your clients.

Download here

psychological safety checklist

Not sure how to get your team to take initiative and speak up?

Then download your free copy now of our psychological safety checklist to pinpoint exactly what you need to do to fix it.

Download here

the low confrontational way of dealing with low performers masterclass recording

In the masterclass recording you will discover:
1. The quick and easy way to turn around a low performer without having to pay a large amount of money to an employment law specialist

2. The no-confrontation way of having a conversation with a low performer to get them to shape up or ship out

3. The insider track on how to make sure you don’t just recruit in the right people (and not buy duds), but also get them up-to-speed quickly. (So, avoid having to turn around low performers in the first place)

4. The essential items you need to have in place to quickly, ethically and legally sack a low performer, with minimal risk to your firm’s reputation

Download here


scaling your practice in a recession masterclass recording

Listen to our masterclass recording to get inspired and learn practical, proven tips for growing and scaling your practice when trading conditions are difficult.

Download your recording here.

how to create a 3-year growth plan

In the virtual masterclass recording and transcript you will discover:

1. How to create a 3-year growth plan which energises you, using the STAGe model in under 30 mins

2. How to get your team excited and motivated to deliver your growth plan with you

3. How to use a ONE BIG FOCUS to ensure your firm doesn't fall victim of initiative overwhelm and the day job as well as the growth plan gets implemented.

Download your recording here.


Linkedin 50+ content ideas

Is your firm losing out on leads from LinkedIn?

Use our 50+ ideas for great content to share on LinkedIn to make sure your firm generates regular leads to high quality clients via LinkedIn.

Click here to download for free.

linkedin self-assessment

Stop your firm losing out on leads from LinkedIn!

Use our LinkedIn Self Assessment to pinpoint exactly what your firm needs to change in order to switch on a flood of high quality leads via LinkedIn.

Click here to download for free.

LinkedIn conversation starters

Stuck for what to say on LinkedIn?

Use our cut and paste conversation starters to speed up the process of turning prospects into connections and then clients via LinkedIn

Click here to download for free.

marketing plan

Need to create your firm's marketing plan but not sure where to start?

Download our free guide to creating a marketing plan. The guide includes a template to help even the most reluctant business developer to win business for their practice.

Click here to download for free.

sales process flow chart

Losing leads? Struggling to convert hot prospects? Or wasting time on tyrekickers going nowhere? 

Download our free SALES PROCESS MAP to make sure you never waste time on a tyre kicker and never leave business on the table.

Click here to download for free.

content plan template

Is your firm's content marketing haphazard? Non-existent? Losing your firm leads?

Use the exact same template we use with our members to help them plan their marketing content, to make sure your firm is sharing the right content at the right time via the right channel.

Click here to download for free.

website checklist

Is your firm's website losing you business?

Download our FREE 100+ point website checklist to comprehensively evaluate how you need to change your website to switch on a regular supply of high quality leads.

Click here to download for free.

Struggling to attract the right type of clients?

Download our free client persona template. Use this template to focus all of your marketing and communications to attract the right type of clients and new business.

Click here to download for free.

script to warm up old prospects

Need to warm up some old prospects?

Use the exact same script our members use to get in touch with old prospects and turn them into clients of the firm...

Click here to download for free.


onboarding new clients process

Want a free step-by-step guide for onboarding new clients?

Sign up now for instant access to our gold standard onboarding process!

Download here

guide to choosing a practice management system

In the guide you will find out the 5 things you need to do BEFORE investing in a practice management system, and whether best-of-breed is better than all-in-one for your practice.

Download here

rhythm meeting agendas

Use these Rhythm Meeting Agendas inspired by the Rockefeller Habits to:

1. Get back in control of your workflow

2. Always know what you and your team will be able to bill each week

3. Make sure you and the team are growing your practice whilst getting the day-to-day done at the same time

4. Run an efficient daily operational huddle

Download here