SOLD OUT! Live London Workshop – How to Build a £1million Practice on Wednesday 2 March 2022

SOLD OUT!  If you want to get started on 2022 full of energy and motivation to grow your accountancy firm in the way that works for you, we'd love you to join us at the Xero (UK) office in London on 2 March 2022 for the first live AMC Workshop since October 2019.

We'll be working through how your time, responsibilities and leadership priorities will change as your firm grows from £50k to £250k, then to £500k and then to £1m+

Join us for the day and you'll take away:


  • How to tap into and harness your motivation to grow your firm


  • How to get your team working for you rather than the other way around


  • How to minimise the impact and angst of growing pains as you grow your firm


  • How to dig deep and find the confidence and clarity to know what needs to happen to grow your firm


  • The simple changes you can make to put yourself back in control of your time, practice and firm growth


  • Simple steps to make sure there is always money in the bank to fund your ideal lifestyle


  • Quick wins to quickly increase the money in your bank account


  • The 6 tried and tested steps to reliably win new business each month (without feeling like you have to become a pushy sales person)


We're also running the same Workshop in Milton Keynes on 15 March - click here for more info!

Thank you to Xero (UK) for hosting our Workshops.


Mar 02 2022


10:00 am

More Info

Heather Townsend


Heather Townsend
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