Rescue your time: Uncover 8 hours to work on your business each week

If you attend this webinar you will learn:

– How to use the red/black/blue model to claw back time to work ON your practice.

– The three mindset shifts you will need to make if you are going to stop being the bottleneck and reduce the demands on you from your staff and clients.

– Tips and techniques to be ultra productive and work at peak level.

– Three things you must do to minimise interruptions from your team and your clients.

– Your key leadership priorities (which change as your firm grows) if you are going to get control of your time and stop feeling as if everyone wants a piece of you.

– How to get your team to step up and take the initiative, not wait for you to tell them what to do.

Sign up now!


Aug 16 2023


10:00 am - 11:00 am
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