From 0 – £200k: The 3 simple things you can do to price more profitably

In this LinkedIn Live you will hear Heather and Leann discuss the 3 biggest takeaways from the 8-week pricing programme Leann recently ran with our members. In this 8-week programme, 5 members added over £200k of monthly recurring work. For some of these members, this represented a 30%+ growth in their annual income.

When Heather and Leann discussed these takeaways, there were some raised eyebrows. They were not what you expect – particularly when you consider it was accountants on the programme.

In the LinkedIn live Heather and Leann will discuss:

  • 3 non-negotiables of how and when to set expectations around pricing and billing with clients
  • How to prepare your client based to move to paying monthly rather than after the work is done (even if they pay up promptly)
  • Why having packages and a standard card will actually mean you can charge more rather than making up a price for each client.

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Sep 19 2023


12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
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