Live London Workshop – How to Grow Your Practice the Low Stress Way on Wednesday 19 October 2022

Join the Accountants' Growth Club team in central London on Wednesday 19 October

We'll be working through how to grow your accountancy practice without long days and working all weekend.

Join us for the day  and you will:

  • Leave energised and motivated to grow your practice armed with your top 3 priorities and 3 tangible next steps to unlock the growth of your practice
  • Have put in place easy-to-implement action points to increase your confidence, cashflow and profitability
  • Identified the critical moves in order to release your time to work on the business
  • Learned how to minimise the impact and angst of growing pains as you grow your firm


  • My why: How to use this to energise and motivate yourself
  • How to find the inner confidence to push through growing pains
  • How to release your time to work ON the business
  • How to increase your cash flow (using tried and tested methods)
  • Getting your team to work for you rather than you working for your team
  • How to win more of the right type of client


PLUS Your workshop fees will be refunded if you join the Accountants’ Growth Club within 2 weeks of the workshop


Oct 19 2022


10:00 am

More Info

Dan Sheffield


Dan Sheffield

Other Organizers

Heather Townsend
Heather Townsend
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